WELcum Thu J_Pa Ra D !isE aka KiingD0m_J (chap 17) - whttz ii wan iin muii liifee
todae muii frendz askk mii iif eu arr goiing thu die whttz iis muii last wish?muii mind jus flash ouutz: " ii jus wan peace iin world tiis answer "den muii frendz sae ii gong y dun wish thu live one mor tiimee? hahax... ii realii dun wish thu live one mor tiimee, realii jus wish world wilz b peace!muii frendz askk mii agiianwhttz if one dae ii neo ii'm goiing thu b blind who wuld ii wish thu cc?belllyy thiink clearlii ii jiu answer muii parentz ^^do luv thu loadz yya!if ii can ii wuld liikee thu sit on e mountian & watch the world frm dae light turn thu niitez & cciing the city turn dwn thu slp! wasn't it beautiful??simple iis allz ii wan iin muii liifee! ^^