WELcum Thu J_Pa Ra D !isE aka KiingD0m_J (chap 25) - sign sign sign
nowz tis tiimee is 00.26 past 00.00 which mean todae datee is 16 sep few mor hur thu muii toopidx bdae. suddenlii feel liikee is kindda siianx yya boriing bdae fer tis yrs cosz lastz yr all surpise hab giben thu mii makk mii cry liikee babii whenn ii sae tt ccakee
todcae neber goo ouutz wif parent cosz they goo chinatown a plae wheree theree wuld b alottz of piipeoo findiing mooncakee @ tis moment. ii dun liikee piipeoo thu push mii n block muii way but noo matter whttz wheree ii goo ii foundz ouutz tt alottz of piipeoo liike thu block mui way n ii wilz nottz sae excuse mii. until ii belllyy dulan den ii wilz sae EXCUSE MII!
funkki mii arrhx, ii dunno y ii'm liikee tis de... god gib mii a mouth thu talk but ii oways use @ e wrongg tiimee... eyes closiing soon but stilz dun wish thu goo slp.ii found ouutz tt ii hab sae wrongg thing agiian!