we arrhx jus liikee a kid todae! lalala~
todae ii hab alotz of fun wilz muii HANNAHdear but mos of all ii mus apologise thu muii HANNAHdear n JOSEPHsista cosz ii'm late todae agaiin sincerly apologise SORRI =] pleas fergive mii!
todae went thu suntec n hab funn mii n HANNAHdear goo thu e 3rd floor play "soccer ball" ii kip goaling BUT IS INTHU MUII NETZ! T.T cann cc tt HANNAHdear habing lottz of funn todae. den we osoo gottz goo n find our frendz rachel she working @ royal sporting huse her name is RACHEL, HANNAHdear find her 1st den ii was @ her bak.
HANNAHdear sae hi thu her, RACHEL liikee neber saw HANNAHdear den walk thu mii wanna hugg mii but dun dare, den she hold muii handz.. liikee HANNAHdear is tranparent de. IS LIIKEE OH MUII BABI! den after suntec we walk thu bugis ^^ lolx.. the whole dae is wif HANNAHdear, RACHEL, JOSEPHsista.
cann't w8 fer the other ouuting!