hahax.. todae whenn thu watch JUMPER!
ii osoo wanna b one of e jumper soo ii cann jump! jump!jump! liikee tigger lolx..
is c00l thu b a jumper yya ^^
luv thu b one Xp soo noo one catch mii
hahax.. jus nowz askk muii younger bro thu check weather ii hab white hair!
OMG! he spot 5 den after tt muii parents stop mii frm calzing him thu puck hahax...
gottz 3 is onn top 30% white 70% black the other 2 is all white is liikee walao! ii soo young T.T
den ii askk muii mami if we puck ouutz le wilz it grow black or white hair?
she reply mii white! ii heard le very very very de sad! is liikee whttz the...
cry le laa!