wooo... ii finish muii D dian xing nan le it took mii 2 dae thu finsh 144 pages power laa! ii neber read a bk soo fast b4 hehex... after reading finish e bk suddenly feel yan yi quan is a very stress path
those acting is notz very easy.. hahax... n after reading the bk ii found mii n yu zhe got abit similar [[ our xin ge ]] soo ii understand how he feel during his no-where daes hohox...
todae after work osoo mit hannah n her new frendz walk arund @ vivo SLACKER! tt mii hohox... after tt we stay @ vivo bkstore ii cann onli sae tt bkstore is damn big jus like a maze dun eva bring mii in again!!!!! II WILZ GET LOST!
hahax... when we arrhx inside we stay @ one corner n read those japan/korea/tailand languge lolx... all we read de feel soo werido!but stilz funn
den when mii n hannah going h^m we wanted to find e bus stop of 175 but den after walk a"LONG-DISTANCE" fer mii is short laa, we cann't find tt bus stop soo we tak bus 61 tgh ii tak bak hm hannah stop @ queentown tt side n change bus
while we looking fer tt bus stop we hab alot of fun lolx.. ii kip calz hannah xiao gui [[hannah eu neo arrhx]] den ii kip saeing magic!MAGIC! aiya cc 2oo muc yu le bai fen bai le