if time cann return to being ii wuld wish tt muii time will return to RP'07.
now i'm in sch doing nth.. hahax.. reporting bak to sch todae && ii know some not reali nice news fer which mak mii feel like dumping project aside && run oway.. FUCK CARE THEM!
ii neo eu guys dun like mii~ den do eu think I LIKE EU? siam one side cann anot? do ur project ur own laa if eu so smart!!!!!!!!! ii MC one week todae ii come bak to sch eu ask mii abut BEG role play~ NB laa! write urself lorx! ii sick osoo canntz hab a break meh? still mus hlp eu think of scrpit? WHO ARE EU? A NTH TO MII!
aniiway dun sae muii bad @ muii bak come toward mii laa! ii'm not scare of eu~ ii did remind everyone to stay bak onn tt dae fer mitting is eu choose to leave end up wht did eu tell the chairperson? ii didn tell eu! WHT THE FUCK! ii neo eu will b working onn tue so ii dun put muii schedule onn tue COSZ II DUN WAN CC UR FACE!
thought we still cann b frendz but it seem nope yya, since eu treat mii like tis.... eu mak mii hate eu to the core! jus endure a few month && ii dun nid to cc eu again!