ii don't know what happen to me now aday.
ii shuld be very tired le ba~
cause from the start of the holiday is like not working than the time ii will spend on school project work... doing alot of random stuff now aday~
ii always sms the wrong person and call the wrong person
ii wanna sms shu hui ii sms to see mei
ii wanna sms squid ii sms to chuan
ii wanna sms qingaide ii sms to squid
ii wanna call janice ii call kai (some more he is beside me only!)
ii wanna call HFC ii call mami!
ii have random drm now aday also....
today ii dream of my pretty aiai around age (20++) driving wors! ii was like sitting beside her and nana dear was sitting @ the back... she was driving us to have lunch @ some place, she drive pass a place which look totally same like my living area but the street name all different and the block finally we rch the place, the house outside paste alot of hero stick superman la batman la~~~ then we went in to have out fried chicken && while haviing lunch we are waiting for the pool table too.
few day ago ii dream of study in don;t know which school was that! before going to classes we still must play some game and our classroom is at the top the shopping center =.=". guess who is in the class??? got wen wen,ai xin, xiaohui, jie wei, grace, patrick and most of all got FEI LUN HAI!!!!!! 0O what dream is this? we are having our art lesson! our teacher look like a japanese.
and back again ii dream of west mall that manager come to harbourfront and work is like..... there lot more laa lazy to say!!!!!!
what a random dream!!!!!