lolx.. nice slp todae air-con open till 10 plus 1st tiime open tilz soo long but den all the 4 of us share a rm. ii slp wilz muii younger bro den elaine n muii second bro slp @ muii dadi bed lolx.. cool yya lolx.. den after tt todae ii slp tilz afternoon 2 plus after tt ii bring muii younger bro out to plaza sing cosz muii hp sot sot soo bring to customer service laa. ii think if muii parents didn goo ovasea todae they shuld b going to there osoo cosz got starhub roadshow muii dad favourite lolx...
after the customer service center we went dwn to B2 [pastamania] to buy drink oways wann to drink tt mocha but den ii cann't mak fer muiiself during work cosz ia forbbien yya den onli cann use buy although ii did try their latte freeze b4 cosz they ova blend got left abit den ii cann try is nice but den plaza sing de not nice de
after tt mii n muii younger bro journey start....
1st we tak bus to plaza sing
2nd we walk to city hall n pass by alot of place [ eu neo whenn a s0t0ng! lolx]
ii neber try walking frm plaza sing to city hall ii jus try fer it den ii sae tt tallest tower in city hall ii jus folo n ii osoo rmb muii frendz told mii frm plaza jus walk straight wilz rch city hall soo ii jus try walk straight..
3rd we frm city hall walk to bugis jus to buy muii small dinner n tml morning breakfast lolx...
although is tired but den still fun laa den onn muii way to city hall ii try to calz muii parent cc weather cann get thur anott n yess indeed cann lolx,, damn happi man! jus askk them they rch le arrhx! den muii dad reply "YES!" luff! an le half off muii hearttx.
tml they wilz b taking bus h^m n rch abut 7-9 ii think ii wilz b @ hm by e time cosz muii bro is scare of "sounds"
den todae @ bugis finally buy tt bk ii wanted soo baddly The X-Family (TV-Tie-In Novel). tt tiimee buy (D diao xing nan) n finish it le soo ii buy a new one den in bus ii cann read if nottz boring dae cann tak out n read lalala~ surpise tt ii will read bk ritex! ii do feel surpise osoo summor is all chinese wording! is notz normal chinese wording we reading in singapore but taiwan chinese [Traditional Chinese] wording although there abit hard fer mii to get understand but still cann read laa, trying to improve muii chinese soo tt nxtz tiimee cann use it.
not onli english is importent but chinese osoo! find tt singaporean left out chinese de chun zai, during secondary school live eu won't neo how muc ii luv muii chinese lesson den english n math! and den almost everydae mondae-fridae theree wuld b english n math lesson but den chinese is arund 1 week 2 tiimee onli soo less! damn sadd laa! chinese is importent osoo okkiiee!
lettz cc how mani dae ii cann finish a 204 pages chinese bk no pic @ all but everypage wif full wording...