hong kong fotos:
now is the time fer sharing~ Hong Kong [9 Oct-12 Oct 2009]
everything is copy from my diary lolx.
[9 Oct 2009]
daddy send me to wen wen house to overnight, well ii'm just a cry baby holding my tears don't let it drop until ii step in to wen's house. my tear drop easliy.
reach airport at 7am have my breakfast and walk around terminal 1,2 & 3.. everyone rch at around 9 plus... we check in at around 10 plus use the free internet access to login to facebook & play game. wen wen is so noisy today! i can't stand her! even xiaohui too!! you say what she can sing a song that can link to what you say & she keep repeating the same thing just like "S" ppl shall know who is she...
when the plane start to fly she more noisy! really cannot stand her!!! she tell me the plane is flying~plane don't fly den?? while in the plane funny thing happen too after we watch finsh our cartoon wen wen saw other people is watching other cartoon so she try to find the channel after she found it she help mii to change ii didn't even notice it, when my head turn bak to the video was yellow yellow cartoon and it talk about S**. 0.O wen upgrade le! all along the cartoon never wear any clothe expect underwear! wen arr!
have curry chicken on the plane it was nice~ better than my breakfast.
1st thing when ii reach hong kong is to call my family to tell them ii'm safe ^^ & the 1st shopping we go is ladies street.. many thing to shop and ii spend like siao & ii kanna scolding by nothing also =.=". no blame laa confirm see me too CUTE && II'M CONFIRM SHE IS JELOUS WITH MY CUTENESS~
after our shopping is dinner time. we went to this restaurant call xing hua restaurant, their food is like shit & they make me miss my mummy cooking! i never ever eat so disgusting food before. head to star ave to watch some show not really very nice.
victore peak view was damn pretty~ ii can only say it amazing! the view was totally nice as like the whole hong kong is mine! hehex. our day end at victore peak.
head back our hotel... ermm ii can only say the room was small and the toilet is so OPEN! glasses de wors! even i swtich off the magic glasses in the toilet outside wen wen still cann on it =.=" it mak me feel not right!
ii miss my daddy and mummy now =[[ ii gonna work hard and earn lot of money so next time ii cann bring my parent to enjoy all those fun together ^^. nitex~
[10 Oct 2009]
wake up earli in the morning to have my breakfast dim sum ^^. tumb up for all dishes after breakfast we went to repluse bay and golden banhinia square because this 2 place i go before so ii didn't really go take photo.
we went to gim sha joi to shop about after visit those 2 place. ii bought thing that is $80 and ii give the cashier $1000 she make me wait 15 min for my change! all she need is just give me back my change but ii don't understand y she never give me back... she keep serving those customers who queue and the customer is coming one by one. ii think if she settle customer ii don't need go back le. so ii rush them & keep nagging at the side reminding them II'M LATE! they can't stand me and return me my change without saying sorry! & yes i'm late everyone went off so scray~ ask wen to callk the other.
the tour guide come to guide us to the lunch place. today lunch was nice much better than what we have yesterday night. finally ii have taste the bei jing kao ya hehex. jewerlly factory come next after the lunch the guider inside draw a snoopy on my hand =]] bought a necklace for mummy too ^^. the most expensive gift ii buy.
the hong kong musem is nice too... you must go to the musem when you go to hong kong.
during the night we went shopping at time square but there is nothing to shop cause all braded staff! ladies street and gim sha joi is more to us ^^ and ii was like a tour guide to tml after today they kip calling me tao you lolx.
tml disney land!
[11 Oct 2009]
wake up damn earli today cause we are going to disney land.
before our free time we have youth course 1st but ii not going to mention out cause ii dun care. let mr tan know ii confirm no life =p. the course end at 1.30pm. have our lunch and rush for fun ride ^^. we head to haunted house 1st. this period is halloween period so there is 3 haunted house we only go to 2 ^^ both also very fun.
we play and play, i guide and guide, we buy and buy at disney land.
it start raining in the afternoon the way till the night we are like all wet. 2 yrs ago we went ocean park is also raining tis time also =[[.
rush for the show at 7pm after dinner and 8pm [starlight fiework] it totally amazing ^^ is the most beautiful firework ii ever see in my 19th yr.
overall everyone of us have fun at dinsey land ^^
hope the next time ii cann come with my family ^^ tml will be the last day of my duty and we will be go back home.. hope ii still have tis chance to be their tour guide once again =]].
[12 Oct]
wen wen is horrible! cause she help xiaohui to spend all of her money at 30 min! HK$700 plus O.0 she is totally shopping freak! lolx. 1st time ii see a person buy so much thing until want to cover herself le!
reach singapore at morning 12 plus. went to buy D.O.M hahax.. my group though ii'm still 16th 17th like tt lolx. but actually ii'm 19th hahax... ii'm still young =]].
mummy tell me during my trip daddy went to the hospital. scare me off! but now nothing le just that he have to watch out what he is eating. god bless alright ^^
[13 Oct ]
wak up earli in the morning and pack up my thing. go to balestier ITE wif ai xin took alot of foto. shall upload later.
so ii shall end here too cosz i'm tired le nitex frendz
tml is a another day for camwore! =p